Opportunities to Give

Center Finance

The Siddha Yoga Meditation Center is financially self sustaining.

The center is supported sole by its community through monthly SYMC Pledges and individual donations. Every offering of any size is treasured by us.

Ways to donate:
1. Monthly Pledge mailed directly to the Center from an online bank account. (Preferred method.)
2. Monthly Pledge placed in Center Donation Box
3. Occasional donation placed in Center Donation Box

Thank you for being part of and sustaining our Center.

Finance Coordinator
Deborah Chandler

Click here for a form you can print out and mail in to the Center

Giving to the Mission

Dakshina is one of the core Siddha Yoga practices. The SYDA Foundation is the vehicle through which dakshina is received and administered globally. To learn more about giving to the Siddha Yoga mission, click here